If you have ever put on an event you know funding is crucial. Well, one of the people who has been crucial in helping secure funding and location for this year's Steampunk Stampede is a man named Billy Summers. When certain curveballs were thrown that would have caused Steampunk Stampede to be canceled he helped on the city level to ensure it was still a go.
Billy is the Vice President for the only Oklahoma Chapter of the Jefferson Highway Association. This chapter is the first chapter in all of the Jefferson Highway Association. His current term in that spot makes him the first Vice President for the Oklahoma Chapter.
Billy also works for the tourism department of McAlester. It has been his advice that led to not only finding a spot within McAlester to host the event but also additional funding to help make and keep this a primarily free event.
So this edition of Gear Grease ends with a very special Thank You to Billy Summers.